(j.polski na dole strony)
There are several subjects that are coming back in media internationally and locally in context of Polish - Jewish relations. Restitution is one of the most popular subject, other than Holocaust, in media you can read on regular base articles about Museum of the History of Polish Jews, issues of the polish antisemitism (as a myth that we often criticized or showed form different points of view) and Middle East conflict with Poland's activism on behave of Israel. Even from that simple dynamic you can see the complexity of Polish Jewish issues.
Today I bring very interesting interaction between Haaretz, Gazeta Wyborcza, that are two popular mainstream newspapers in Israel and in Poland (One can argue if there are some similarities between them comes to their place on political spectrum in both societies.) Why is is so interesting? There is no base for the claim made by both newspapers that Sikorski, foreign minister of Poland had anything to do with change of the American Ambassador or that it was related to ongoing issue of restitution. As we see the myth of the " Jewish wealth in Poland" and it's impact as well role of the Polish - Jewish lobbing in America on international, external politics, left here and those who are trying to get it back - as strong political force - circulates and finds it's way even to mainstream media. Jews lost here more than just money, it's very pailful and emotional, most of the people understand that claims can's be done successfully. Is it reasonable to things that issues runs international politics? Why would anyone risk political carrier on it?
There are several subjects that are coming back in media internationally and locally in context of Polish - Jewish relations. Restitution is one of the most popular subject, other than Holocaust, in media you can read on regular base articles about Museum of the History of Polish Jews, issues of the polish antisemitism (as a myth that we often criticized or showed form different points of view) and Middle East conflict with Poland's activism on behave of Israel. Even from that simple dynamic you can see the complexity of Polish Jewish issues.
Today I bring very interesting interaction between Haaretz, Gazeta Wyborcza, that are two popular mainstream newspapers in Israel and in Poland (One can argue if there are some similarities between them comes to their place on political spectrum in both societies.) Why is is so interesting? There is no base for the claim made by both newspapers that Sikorski, foreign minister of Poland had anything to do with change of the American Ambassador or that it was related to ongoing issue of restitution. As we see the myth of the " Jewish wealth in Poland" and it's impact as well role of the Polish - Jewish lobbing in America on international, external politics, left here and those who are trying to get it back - as strong political force - circulates and finds it's way even to mainstream media. Jews lost here more than just money, it's very pailful and emotional, most of the people understand that claims can's be done successfully. Is it reasonable to things that issues runs international politics? Why would anyone risk political carrier on it?
Kilka zdań po Polsku (to nie jest tłumaczenie);
Na górze umieściłam dwa linki z Haaretz i Gazety Wyborczej
(ciekawe połączenie – być może można się spierać, co łączy te pisma - w skali społecznej - światopoglądowo, miejsca na politycznym spektrum, przekrój czytelniczy i tak dalej.
Jest kilka żelaznych tematów, które powracają
w kontekście relacji Polsko - Żydowskich poza Holokaustem. Należą do nich
między innymi; Restytucja, Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich, polski antysemityzm
(pokazany z różnych perspektyw - czasem, jako obalanie mitów na ten temat) i
polskiego zaangażowania w prawy Bliskowschodnie - po stronie Izraela. Nawet z
tej prostej dynamiki możemy zobaczyć jak skomplikowane są relacje Polsko - Żydowskie.
Ciekawa jest siła mitu w kwestiach związanych z restytucją. Oto silne lobby
amerykańskie Żydów wywiera naciski na administrację amerykańską, czemu Polska się sprzeciwia i to doprowadza do zmiany miejsc na stanowisku Ambasadora Ameryki w Polsce. Informacje o konsekwencjach wpływu owego lobbingu (pachnie spiskiem żydowkskim - czyż nie?) - na najwyższym szczeblu - powtarzają to dwie gazety. Dodajmy, że oba te tytuły są w silnej opozycji wobec spiskowego myślenia i teorii spiskowych. Sądzę, że
skrócenie pobytu Ambasadora Ameryki ma związek z wyborami i jego żydowskie
pochodzenie, jeśli ma związek to jedynie z polityką Prezydenta Obamy.
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